Category Archives: Calendar

Weddings the DA Way

Saturday, March 1st, 2025
Registration 12:45 pm
Workshop 1:00 – 3:00 pm
Ethan, Jared, Tim G and Jennie G
Register now using this link:
Some debtors and underearners suffer from fear of maintaining solvency and financial sobriety
while paying for big-ticket items such as a wedding
You’ll get the most out of this workshop if you:
Want to plan a wedding but don’t want to debt or deplete your prudent
Plan on paying for your child’s wedding without debting
Aim to maintain spiritual fulfillment in line with the twelve steps while
navigating complex family dynamics and expectations
Hope to make the most joyous day of your life actually that – joyous!
Register now using this link:
Suggested Donation: $12
No one turned away for lack of funds.
Brought to you by the So Cal DA LA Workshop Chair Anne Marie D.
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