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SoCal DA Regional GSR

We Can Help You…
- If your life is unmanageable because of unsecured debt such as credit card debt, loans and/or compulsive spending;
- If you are sick of bouncing checks, paying late fees and having creditors call you;
- If you debt with your time as well as your money doing non productive activities (Facebook, Netflix, gaming, etc.);
- If you are under-earning, not making enough to meet your basic needs;
- call 424.258.4211
The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop incurring unsecured debt. Even if members are not in debt, they are welcome in D.A. Our Fellowship is supported solely through contributions made by members; there are no dues or fees.
Debtors Anonymous is not affiliated with any financial, legal, political or religious entities and we avoid controversy by not discussing outside issues. By sharing our experience, strength, and hope and by carrying the message to those who still suffer,
we find joy, clarity and serenity as we recover together.
In Debtors Anonymous you will find a new way of living that offers recovery from compulsive debting and/or spending and hope for a healthier, happier, more prosperous life.
See if you are a debtor by clicking here.